Archive strategies, indicators and actions

Over time you will have items in your OGSM that are no longer relevant, but that you do want to keep. That is why there is the possibility to archive items. An item that has been archived is not shown in the OGSM and on the dashboards. In the OGSM you can still display the archived items with the push of a button.

Required rights: Manager

Only users with the 'Administrator' role and owners of items can archive them.

Archive indicators and actions

  • Move the pointer to the top right of the indicator or action.
  • Select 'Archive' from the menu.
  • You will now receive a message if you are sure. Click on 'OK' to archive the item.

Once the item has been archived, it will no longer be visible in the OGSM and on the dashboards. At the top of the OGSM you can always see how many archived items there are.

Archiving strategies

Archiving strategies works the same as archiving indicators and actions. But please note: when archiving a strategy, all associated indicators and actions are automatically archived.

  • Move the pointer to the top right of the strategy.
  • Select 'Archive' from the menu.
  • You will now receive a message if you are sure. Click on 'OK' to archive the item.

View archived items in the OGSM

By default, archived items are not displayed. You can still make them visible in the OGSM as follows.

  • Click on 'Archived items' above the OGSM. These are now shown with a dotted line.

Republish archived items

 Accidentally archived an item? Remove it from the archive again.

  • Make archived items appear in the OGSM by clicking 'Archived Items' at the top.
  • Move the pointer to the top right of the strategy.
  • Select 'Publish' from the menu.

When publishing a strategy, the associated indicators and actions are also published.


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