Pitfalls of OGSM

OGSM is a very powerful model to display a strategic plan in one overview. But it remains a tool. What are the pitfalls in using OGSM?

Consider OGSM as a fill-in exercise

OGSM is a summary of your plan. This plan must be the result of a thorough analysis of strength, vulnerability, opportunities and threats, a creative process to come up with solutions for the challenges you face and a rational choice from all possibilities. You don’t make a strategic plan in a session of 2 hours. OGSM is not a fill-in-the-blank exercise!

Keep descriptions in the OGSM too vague

“We strive for higher quality.”

“We are going to work on cost savings.”

“More attention for collaboration.”

Blablabla. The use of vague goals, choices and actions often has to mask the fact that there is actually no plan at all. That the guts are lacking to make real choices. Make your OGSM concrete, so that the course is clear for all involved.

Do not make real choices

Strategy is making choices: where are you going to use the scarce resources (time and money)? After drawing up your OGSM, you can easily make a list of what you are not going to do (anymore). If you cannot do that, you have not made any real choices. The big danger is that everyone continues to do their own thing.

Too many goals, indicators or actions

You may also want to do it too well. By putting too many goals, indicators or actions in your OGSM, the overview disappears. Main and side issues can no longer be distinguished from each other. Only put the points in your OGSM that are necessary. So only need-to-haves, not nice-to-haves.

Perfect too long

Your plan is never finished. It can always be better. Moreover, the environment and the organization are constantly changing, so your plan is immediately outdated. Don’t get stuck in planning too long. Rather, anchor the ability to evaluate and refine your plan in the implementation phase. This way you can get started and ensure that you continue to fine-tune your plan along the way.

Too little attention for implementation

Often a lot of attention is paid to making the plan, but far too little to its implementation. Think early on how you will implement the plan, how you will learn from your experiences, how you will monitor the indicators and incorporate the results into your plan.