OGSM Model: Objective, Goals, Strategies, Measures

Successful organizations not only have good ideas, but are also able to implement them. There are plans in every organization, but are there also concrete plans? Too often, a good strategy lingers in vague slogans and objectives. Strategic planning translates strategies into concrete activities whose success can be measured.

OGSM is a method to describe strategy or annual plans on one page. OGSM stands for Objective, Goals, Strategies and Measures. Together they provide a good picture of what drives the organization, how success can be measured, which choices the organization makes and how these choices translate into actions. You can also read business unit or department where it says ‘organization’. You can use OGSM wherever strategic plans are made.

OGSM: strategy and annual plan on one page

The OGSM model has proven itself worldwide as a practical model for creating and executing strategy and annual plans. At multinationals and SMEs, at commercial companies and non-profits. The model consists of 5 parts: Ambition (Objective), Objectives (Goals), Strategic choices (Strategies), Dashboard (Measures 1) and Actions (Measures 2).



The objective is the big dream of the organization. What do you want to achieve together? A good objective provides direction and energy.



The goals make the objective concrete and measurable. This way you all have the same picture in mind and you can actually measure whether the objective has been realized.



What choices do you make to realize the objective? What do you use the people and resources for? The aim is to arrive at a clear roadmap to achieve your objective.

Measures 1/2


Which indicators do you use to monitor progress? The indicators make the strategies concrete and measurable. During the term of the plan you steer on these indicators.

Measures 2/2


Which actions (projects) will you carry out within each strategy? Focus on the actions that are necessary, so no ‘nice-to-have’ actions.

When do you use the OGSM model?

Concrete organizational strategy with OGSM

OGSM is very suitable for describing the strategy of the organization on one page. Employees and stakeholders can see at a glance what the objective of the organization is, what choices have been made and what needs to be done in the coming period.

Annual plan in OGSM

Annual plans describe what a business unit or department will do during a year. The annual plan in the OGSM model shows how the unit or department contributes to the organizational strategy and what the goals and actions are for the coming year. The annual plan helps teams to reflect on progress every month and evaluate the results every quarter. Then the priorities for the coming quarter are also determined.