A concrete plan on one page

Objective, Goals, Strategies en Measures

Successful organizations not only have good ideas but also execute them effectively. Every organization has plans, but are they concrete? Too often, a good strategy gets lost in vague slogans and ambitions. Strategic planning translates strategic choices into tangible activities with measurable success.

OGSM is a method to describe strategic or annual plans on one page. OGSM stands for Objective, Goals, Strategies, and Measures. Together, they provide a clear picture of what drives the organization, how success is measurable, the choices the organization makes, and how these choices translate into actions. Wherever “organization” is mentioned, you can also think of a business unit or department. OGSM can be applied wherever strategic plans are made.

OGSM: strategy and annual plan on one page

The OGSM model has proven itself worldwide as a practical model for creating and executing strategies and annual plans. It is used in multinationals and SMEs, in commercial companies and non-profits. The model consists of 5 components: Ambition (Objective), Goals, Strategic Choices (Strategies), KPIs (Measures 1), and Actions (Measures 2).

What you want to achieve and what you need to do


The ambition is the organization’s big dream. What do you want to achieve together? A good ambition provides direction and energy.


The goals make the objective concrete and measurable. This way, everyone has the same vision in mind and you can actually measure whether the ambition has been achieved.”


What choices do you make to achieve the objective? Where do you allocate resources and people? The goal is to create a clear roadmap to achieve your objective.

Measures 1/2

Which indicators will you use to monitor progress? Indicators make strategies concrete and measurable. Throughout the plan’s duration, you will monitor progress based on these indicators.

Measures 2/2

What actions (projects) will you undertake within each strategie? Focus on necessary actions, not “nice-to-have” ones.

Concrete plan. More results.

OGSM.online is the online tool for creating and monitoring OGSM plans.

OGSM in practice

Read the book on OGSM! Get acquainted with the model. Learn how to create an OGSM in four steps. And evaluate progress and results. This way, you’ll have more impact.

Our book is currently only available in Dutch, but we’re working on the English version. Please let us know if you’re interested.

‘OGSM in de praktijk’ is written by our co-founder Remco Bakker and Bas Schulten.