Knowledge and inspiration

Insights on OGSM and strategy

H5. Working together and making decisions together  23-11-2022 Creating, implementing and adjusting an OGSM is human work. Ultimately, it is the team members who have to do it together. Clear responsibilities and clear decision-making are important success factors. This… Read more
Create new annual plan 28-09-2022 This article is an extra to the book 'OGSM in practice'. We will discuss the process of creating new annual plans based on the plan of the… Read more
H4. OGSM: doing, learning and adjusting 22-08-2022 How do you keep track and ensure that you achieve the intended results? And at the same time: how do you remain agile? After all, when you implement the actions, you learn from the… Read more
H3. OGSM in 4 steps 22-08-2022 Time to get to work on your plan. We introduce a practical 4-step approach for drawing up a sharp plan. We pack… Read more
H2. A good plan with OGSM 21-06-2022 OGSM is a model to create a plan that fits on one page. This way you can see at a glance what you want to achieve and what you need to do for it.… Read more
H1. The power of a good plan 21-06-2022 OGSM is a model for making and executing plans. You can compare that to a sailing trip. By making a plan you put yourself behind the wheel… Read more

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